Support The Aldrich
The Aldrich Public Library serves both Barre Town and Barre City to inspire the joy of reading, promote lifelong learning, and strengthen the community. ​The Aldrich depends on your generosity to strengthen the collection and further its outreach and impact on our community. By investing in your library, you not only preserve a piece of Barre’s rich history, you help secure a future Aldrich Public Library. We appreciate the continued support of the community and individuals like you.
There are other ways to give:
By Check: made out to
Aldrich Public Library and mailed to us at
6 Washington Street, Barre, Vermont 05641
Make a Legacy Gift: To make a lasting impact in your community, consider including the library in your will or trust. Please contact us for more information on what language to include.
Contributions to the Aldrich Public Library, a 501(c)(3) institution, are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
Adopt An Author!
Do you have a favorite author? Want to be first in line to read his or her latest book? Click here to learn how you can enjoy your favorite authors while supporting the library's diversified collection with your generous (tax-deductible) gift.