Friends of the Aldrich Public Library

Meetings are held on the Fourth Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m. in the Milne Community Room.
The Friends of the Aldrich Public Library are an independent nonprofit who support the Aldrich through various fundraising efforts throughout the year.
The Friends sponsor all library events for all ages. They also sponsor the Authors at the Aldrich series, which brings bestselling authors to Barre.
Without the Friends, we would not be able to provide the vital recreation opportunities for Barre residents. If you are interested in joining the Friends, please email President Pamela Murphy, at pmurphy629@yahoo.com.
Friends of the Aldrich Library Board
Pamela Murphy, President
Nancy Leet-O'Leary, Treasurer
Marianne Kotch, Secretary​
Sue Clark
Marilyn Blake
Meg O'Connor
Jane Watson
Leonard's Bargain Basement
Please click here for book donation guidelines.​​
Year round book sale, located on the basement level of the library.
​​$1 for Hardcover and Trade Paperback Books​
$0.50 for Mass Market (Small) Paperbacks
$0.25 for Children's Items and Media

Light Up The Library
Coming soon after Thanksgiving! Get out of the cold and stroll around the library to see dozens of themed trees by local business, organizations, and community members. Purchase raffle tickets to win up to hundreds of dollars of prizes.
Be sure to attend the Friends' production of A Christmas Carol, adapted and directed by Alan Kessler.

A Christmas Carol
Friday, December 6 at 7 p.m.
Saturday, December 7 at 7 p.m.
Sunday, December 8 at 5 p.m.​
Location: Barre Congregational Church (35 Church St)
A family friendly play adapted by Alan S. Kessler featuring Jeffrey Tuper-Giles as "Scrooge", Ian Gauthier as "Bob Crachit, and organ music by Eric Tuper-Giles. This year's production will feature more music and additional scenes! Admission is free. Please note this event takes place at the Barre Congregational Church. This performance is by Let's Put On a Show Players.